Thursday, January 17, 2008

Je Ne C'est I Don't Know What

Warren ain't so peaceful right now. I'm unable to put what's going on into words. I'm certainly not depressed nor would I describe the situation as chaotic but it is very unsettling. In a spiritual sense I'm very ill at ease. If I were a Hindu or Buddhist I may say I'm breaking through to a new consciousness. I'm a Christian however and I can't relate the aforementioned to anything in the Word and the Bible is my final authority. Maybe a better description is I'm breaking through to new understanding? It's not painful but it is uncomfortable. All I can do at this point is pray. I will do my best to journalize the process so in a legible manner going forward. In the interim, I pray.


Sian said...

Scripture reference or no, God takes us on a journey.And He wants us to understand spirit stuff. There is always progression and that is a good thing, but it not always comfortable. Hold tight, stuff's happening! :)

Anonymous said...

This writing is you. At the very least, it tells us what to pray for (cryptically).

Bare your soul, your heart and your mind and let us share your pains. We relate, we understand and most of all....we pray!

Stylin said...

Its like there is something boiling inside you!
Pray,pray without ceasing

Michelle said...

I totally understand. I can't put into words either what I've been feeling for the past few years. But the journey is worth it and I'm willing to see it thru no matter how tough or uncomfortable it is. Just keep praying and the journey will make sense at some point.

Kathy said...

I wish for you peace again.

Liquid said...

And for this, I do pray, along with you, for you. Peace to you Warren as you experience your growing pains.


Michelle said...

I have an award for you on my page The Cheer Me Up Award go to my page for the details.